LEATHER UWe have been inspired by the look and feel of vintage shoes, well used handbags, and stressed leather furniture. So when it was time to choose the type of leather we wanted for our shoes and boots we wanted to replicate that vintage look. That's why we use full grain leathers that have not been corrected or sanded down to remove imperfections. Full Grain Leather is the best quality leather available. Full Grain Leather refers to hides that have not been sanded, buffed, or snuffed (as opposed to corrected grain) to remove imperfections (or natural marks) on the surface of the hide. The grain remains allowing the fiber strength and durability.Full Grain leathers should display the natural markings and grain characteristics from the animal of which it was taken. Full Grain leathers generally come from a better quality hide or skin and no sanding processes are applied to its surface.
COLORA base color is created with multiple applications of waxes and oils. After drying, the craftsman then carefully builds-up the finish with an expert’s eye, and touch, to achieve an aged patina in just the right places to reflect the aged qualities only time, wear, and frequent care could have accomplished naturally.
The leather is a rich color because we have chosen an amazing full grain leather, this makes it not only beautifully imperfect but also strong and durable for shoes and boots.
SHOE CAREWe recommend you use Smith's Leather Balm or The Frye Company Shoe Polish to condition and wear-proof your boots (watch our video for shoe care or follow the Frye instructions to polish boots).
CHALLENGEFinding sustainable, fair trade, high quality raw materials is not an easy task, but we love to think of the beautiful products we'll be able to craft with these new leathers, and we know you will love and appreciate what they stand for.
POWER UP We employ world class artisans who have amazing skills but limited platforms to sell their goods and make a living. With each item you purchase, you help us provide sustainable jobs to cobblers, seamstresses, weavers, crocheters, and leather craftsmen. Your choice has power, we are changing a tiny corner of our world one pair of shoes at a time!